Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Abiotic Factors

Polar bear Niche: To eat walruses, fish and seals. Take care of young for 2 years

Biome, Location, Climate, Rainfall, Temp. Range

Biome: Tundra


Location: Canada


 Climate: Cold


Rainfall: 6-10"

Temperature Range: 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit

Plants of the North American Tundra

Pasque Flower:

-Silky hairs provide insulation
-Member of the Ranunculaceae 
- Grow where frogs live
- Grow close to ground to keep


-Bears like to eat their red berries
-Grow 2-8" off the ground
-Stem covered in thick brown
bark and silky hairs

Purple saxifage:

-Earliest plant to bloom, seen above
 melting snow
-Edible plant
-Star shaped flowers

Symbiotic Relations

Ex: Mutualism
Kind: Lichens made out of alga, hawk eats bunny

Friday, March 15, 2013

Adaptations, Preditations and Limiting factors


1. Caribous have big feet/ hooves to keep the from falling over in marshes and snow clad areas
2. Polar bears have a thick layer of blubber that protects them from harsh weather.

A hawk hunts bunnies for food.
Limiting Factors
1. Short season of growth and reproduction
2. Low biodiversity

Animals of the North American Tundra

Polar Bear:
-7.25 - 8 ft long

-900 - 16,00 lbs.
-Could live 25 - 30 years in the wild

-10 in. tall
-17.5 oz.
-Could live 20 years or more in the wild

-5 - 6.5 ft
- 1,800 lbs.
-Could live 15 - 20 years in the wild

-4.7 - 9.4 in.
-Up to 11 lbs.
-Could live up to 35 years in the wild

Wood Frog:

-2 - 2.8 in.
- 8 grams
-5 - 9 years

 -Up to 11 in. long
-Up to 0.39 oz.
-Could live up yo 6 years inn the wild